Character info: AuraOfThorns
Last login: 2024-09-17 09:37:00
Total time: 22 days 12:44
Nation Karus
Class: Priest
Level 85
National Points 40,915 (286)
Monthly NP 10
Max Points: 826
Killed: 390
Died: 789
STR 112 HP 172
DEX 60 MP 50
INT 208
Ronark Land (1085, 962)

Priest Chitin Shell Helmet Rebirth (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 7.50
Max Durability : 19938
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 124
Strength Bonus : 15
Health Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 108
Required Intelligence : 152
Priest Chitin Shell Pauldron Rebirth (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 12.60
Max Durability : 19938
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 187
Strength Bonus : 15
Health Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 112
Required Intelligence : 160
Priest Mace (+8)

Attack Power : 56
Attack Speed : Slow
Effective Range : 1.00
Weight : 5.00
Max Durability : 17000
Current Durability : 0
Lightning Damage : 80
Required Strength : 72
Required Intelligence : 94
Defender of the Lord(+10)
(Unique Item)

Weight : 25.00
Max Durability : 19500
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 245
Defense Ability (Dagger) : 20
Defense Ability (Bow) : 10
HP Bonus : 250
MP Bonus : 250
Required Strength : 108

Shield of Zignon. Said to have embedded magical powers.
Primas Ring (+3)
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 85
HP Bonus : 250
MP Bonus : 250
Strength Bonus : 26
Health Bonus : 26
Intelligence Bonus : 26
Resistance to Flame : 40
Resistance to Glacier : 40
Resistance to Lightning : 50

A legendary ring revered for its enchanting powers, bestowing exceptional strength and wisdom upon its bearer.
Priest Chitin Shell Pads Rebirth (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 10.00
Max Durability : 19938
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 163
Strength Bonus : 15
Health Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 110
Required Intelligence : 156
Primas Ring (+3)
(Unique Item)

Defense Ability : 85
HP Bonus : 250
MP Bonus : 250
Strength Bonus : 26
Health Bonus : 26
Intelligence Bonus : 26
Resistance to Flame : 40
Resistance to Glacier : 40
Resistance to Lightning : 50

A legendary ring revered for its enchanting powers, bestowing exceptional strength and wisdom upon its bearer.
Priest Chitin Shell Gauntlet Rebirth (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 4.90
Max Durability : 19938
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 88
Strength Bonus : 15
Health Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 104
Required Intelligence : 144
Priest Chitin Shell Boots Rebirth (+10)
Priest Armor

Weight : 4.90
Max Durability : 19938
Current Durability : 0
Defense Ability : 88
Strength Bonus : 15
Health Bonus : 24
Required Strength : 106
Required Intelligence : 148

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